Benchmarks Foundation - The Policy Gap
Ralph Hamann on CSR in the Platinum Valley
Professor Tim Partridge Report on mining induced house cracks in Luka and Chaneng Villages
SC Mnwana and W Akpan- Bafokeng's Paradox of Plenty
Impala Platinum Mines and DPR Montedi- Facilitating Dialogue with the Luka Environmental Committee
Lea September - Social Dimensions of mining- Bafokeng and Anglo American Corporation's Anglo Platinum Mine
Minutes of the July 2006 Bafokeng Kgotha Kgothe chaired by Steve Phiri
Chaneng's Stydrift Project EMP Report
Ralph Hamann on CSR in the Platinum Valley
Professor Tim Partridge Report on mining induced house cracks in Luka and Chaneng Villages
SC Mnwana and W Akpan- Bafokeng's Paradox of Plenty
Impala Platinum Mines and DPR Montedi- Facilitating Dialogue with the Luka Environmental Committee
Lea September - Social Dimensions of mining- Bafokeng and Anglo American Corporation's Anglo Platinum Mine
Minutes of the July 2006 Bafokeng Kgotha Kgothe chaired by Steve Phiri
Chaneng's Stydrift Project EMP Report