22 December 2015

Merafe Pilane set to lead Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela tribe; Mmuthi Pilane recommended to lead Motlhabe village

The Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims in the North West Province released a report today recommending Mr Mmuthi Pilane to be appointed the rightful traditional leader of Motlhabe village.

The report, dated 24th November 2015 was handed-out today to the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela Royal Council, made up of the five clans of Kgamanyane, Tshomankane, Mantrisi, Mzilikasi and Kautlwale.

‘Everyone was expecting the Premier to close this matter today in terms of the Court order. They now say January 2016… we shall be patient’, said Mmuthi Pilane.

The North West Premier Supra Mahumapelo is now in contempt of two separate North West High Court orders, each compelling him to make final determinations concerning leadership disputes and claims from the two tribes of Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela and Bapo-ba-Mogale.

Indications are that Mr Merafe Pilane is now set to replace Mr Nyalala Pilane as the Bakgatla-ba-Kgafela tribal chief. Merafe’s claim is uncontested and the majority of the Royal families are in support of the claim.

‘We are deeply concerned about the delay since Nyalala has long submitted his resignation letter to the then Premier Thandi Modise’ said a member of the tribe.

-Thusi Rapoo

21 December 2015


The BLBA has been informed that tomorrow 22 December 2015, at 14:30 at Bakgatla Administration Offices (Moruleng), the Premier of the North West Province, Mr Supra Mahumapelo, will present a determination on the longstanding Mafereka Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims Report.

The Report will focus on the claim lodged by Mr Mmuthi Pilane, who contend that he is the rightful heir to the chieftaincy of Motlhabe Village; and Mr Merafe Pilane who claim to be the rightful senior traditional leader of the Bakgatla ‘tribe’.

Mr Mmuthi Pilane launched a successful bid at the Constitutional Court, granting him in 2012, powers for his community to consider secession from the Bakgatla ‘tribe’. The uncontested Mr Merafe Pilane on the other hand, lodged his claim following alleged resignation by Kgosi Nyalala Pilane, with a letter presented to the then Premier of the North West, Ms Thandi Modise.

The release of the Mafereka Report is prompted also by a Court Order, and planned protests by a number of other North West communities (including Bapo ba Mogale and Baphalane ba Ramokoka) for its release. The Communities contend that there is widespread personal, economic, and political interest on the Report, which will mark changes to mining deals on their platinum-rich lands.

The Report will hopefully mark an end to a sad, long, and debilitating battle between warring factions within the Bakgatlha Traditional Community.

Thusi Rapoo
073 443 5699