09 November 2014

BLBA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - 30 November 2014 - 9am at Rustenburg Old Town Hall. R100.00 entrance fee

Bafokeng Land Buyers' Association (BLBA) will hold its Annual General Meeting on the 30th November 2014, 9am, Old Town Hall (Cnr Fatima Bhayat Street and Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg, Next to Rustenburg Municipal Building).
Legal representatives will be present to, amongst others, give an update on the Mafikeng High Court Case 999/08 and to reflect on the extended period for communities' to lodge new land claims.
Community leaders from Bafokeng villages and those persons who deposed court affidavits on behalf of communities, shall be required to sit as part of the front panel and are therefore requested  to prepare +10 minutes presentations on recent developments in their communities requiring BLBA attention. 
As people may be aware, there is a lot of serious issues and developments taking place within the Bafokeng Administration needing serious attention, and as such the meeting shall strive to be prompt and strict on time. People may have heard, for instance about retrenchments, suspensions and criminal investigations taking place in senior offices at RBA.
As usual, entrance at the meeting is R100 per person which contribution will be towards meals and office-keep. Lunch will be served at 1:30pm.
All interested persons are welcome to attend, and further information and private arrangements may be obtained from the following leaders: March Motene (Chaneng-083 680 8803), Phillemon Khunou (Tsitsing-071 481 3090), Michael Nape (Thekwana- 073 198 8634), Ernest Setuke (Lefaragatlhe-073 304 7172), Sonny Senne (Kgale-082 961 9185), Lucas Mekgwe (Baphiring-083 740 9297), Thusi Rapoo (Mogono- 073 443 5699).