30 November 2011

Foundation for Human Rights supports civil rights organizations in Rustenburg

The Bafokeng Land Buyers Association was invited to attend a conference on “Human Rights Civil society Organisations Provincial Participatory Democracy Forum”. The conference, convened by the Foundation for Human Rights (FHR) together with the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development was held at the Orion Hotel on the 22nd of November 2011.
 The purpose of the forum was : to provide space for civil society to exchange views and discuss the key challenges that they face in the province and raise awareness of and strengthen existing mechanisms which facilitate interactions between CBOs and Government. The forum was attended by a number of local civil society organizations in the human rights space, who exchanged views with government on the challenges facing them in advancing human rights. An overview presentation was delivered by Komane Development Services on the state of human rights in North West. The Human Rights challenges identified in the presentation inter alia includes poverty and inequality, unemployment, access to basic education, basic healthcare services and facilities, violence against non nationals and adequate housing and shelter. Deliberations were robust, with a number of community activists raising concern over the inaccessibility of Human Rights Commission, Public Protector, Justice Complaints Commission by poor rural communities. Communities around the Bafokeng are particularly vulnerable to human rights abuses by rampant mining operations taking place in their areas. 'We hope that FHR and Department could work hand in hand with communities in accessing civil rights institutions which are not responsive to vulnerable communities' said Tsitsing activist, Khunou.
 Hassen Lorgat, the facilitator, indicated that ‘participatory democracy is a system of democracy where political decisions are made directly by ordinary people’, and that the aim of the conference was to achieve exactly that. ‘Communities must be involved, and not left out on policy actions that affect their daily lives’.
It was resolved that FHR will strengthen their support for local civic organizations in terms of funding, institutional support, capacity development, and access to justice.

29 November 2011

Anarchist Impala Platinum Mine kicked out of Luka, Rustenburg


On the 08th November 2011, Impala Platinum Mine and the Office of the Ward Councillor convened a community meeting at Thethe High School. The Impala officials indicated that the meeting was part of a series of meetings that they are convening in various villages affected by Impala’s operations. These meetings were scheduled to take place every six months. The agenda was prepared by the mine and covered amongst others: skills development, employment, procurement, community development.
 Amid a satisfactory sponsored community turn-out, a complaint was made that the meeting excluded those community members engaged at their workplaces. ‘And for strategic, expedient, and politically divisive reasons, Impala allowed the meeting to be chaired by Ward councilor, Malebo Sephai’ fumed one outraged community member. Apparently, Impala has entered into an agreement with the Local Municipality that the mining company should cease to discuss their operations directly with their host communities.
 Responding to the ‘employment opportunities’ presentation done by Zac Maphoso (Impala HR),the community raised serious concerns about the reliability and relevance of the statistics supporting the presentation. Most of the important concerns that were raised by the community were not answered by the Impala Officials, including the alleged corruption at the local Teba offices.
The angry community urged for the meeting to be aborted. The community then burnt the attendance register, citing that Impala will present a false image to the Department of Minerals and Energy and other authorities that they are working closely with their host communities.
‘It is sad that Impala Platinum Mine has recently been voted by the Sunday Times’ corporate awards to have outperformed every other company on the Corporate Social Investment category. A lie that also seeks to cover the Royal Bafokeng Family’s betrayal of the Luka community’ observed Matlantla, a local community activist.