The Bafokeng communities are still grappling with the finding by Judge Landman that the Bafokeng Supreme Council does not have powers to institute litigation. And that such power is vested with the Traditional/ Executive Council. See in appended judgment at page 53 par (b).
The Judge found common cause at page 41 par 80 that it was the Supreme Council that took the 22 September 2005 resolution.
He later makes a contradictory finding that it was not the Supreme Council that took the 22 September 2005 resolution, but that it was the Executive/Traditional Council that did. See page 45 par 91.
Was it the RBN's case that the resolution was passed by a quorate Executive/Traditional Council?
This question and others will be addressed at BLBA's next general meeting arranged for the 16th June 2016, 9am Tsitsing Primary School. Young people are encouraged to attend.
See Judgment: BLBA Rule 7 Application
The Judge found common cause at page 41 par 80 that it was the Supreme Council that took the 22 September 2005 resolution.
He later makes a contradictory finding that it was not the Supreme Council that took the 22 September 2005 resolution, but that it was the Executive/Traditional Council that did. See page 45 par 91.
Was it the RBN's case that the resolution was passed by a quorate Executive/Traditional Council?
This question and others will be addressed at BLBA's next general meeting arranged for the 16th June 2016, 9am Tsitsing Primary School. Young people are encouraged to attend.
See Judgment: BLBA Rule 7 Application